Sunday 23 June 2013

Why I Created This Blog..

Hello everyone!

The main reason why I wanted to start a blog is because I know there are many people out there who are just like me. A young ex-Muslim who is too scared to come out in front of their parents for any reason from disownment to murder.

There is this incorrect held belief that there are no ex-Muslims and that many who left the faith were not Muslims at all, but I'm here to show you that is not true. Just like you, I used to believe that Jinns existed. I used to pray 5 times a day. I used to fast everyday and wear an abaya. I used to believe homosexuality was wrong and deserve death. I used to believe the Qur'an was the true word of god. I used to think how could anyone not believe in Islam, which I believed was the only true path to god. I couldn't understand how a Christian could pray to Jesus and not Allah/God. I couldn't understand how Buddhist didn't believe in a one, true God. Or how Jews denounced Mohammed as a messenger and prophet. It was so hard for me to understand and put myself in the shoes of a non-believer let alone an ex-Muslim/ For ex-Muslims choose to leave the faith that I thought was so clear and correct, flawless and universal, intelligent and true.....

How wrong I was.

The only thing that changed me from a "radical" follower to Islam (my views to the general western public might seem radical but I assure you almost all Muslims believe what I used to believe in)  was skepticism.
I questioned everything that didn't make sense and search for answers until I found it or an excuse for the question I had. I would search endlessly to find verses condemning rape of women (which I couldn't find), that Mut'ah/Miysar were not allowed in Islam, to find evidence that adulterers were not suppose to be stoned to death, to find evidence backing the polygyny in Islam, evidence for the hijab and niqab. All there searches and questions eventually force me to see what Islam was. It was not peaceful, Mohammed was not a freedom fighter nor against slaver, Mohammed was indeed lustful as he had many wives and sex-slaves to pleasure him, how he was not compassionate (killing an adulterous woman eventhough she was apologetic and repentful.

But you, the avid, loyal Muslim, might say "You're lying! You're spewing the lies of the west!"  But I assure you to understand that what your teachers had told you might have not been right. What you learned as a child might have all been wrong.

Adultery is punishable by stoning (popular method by the Prophet), as dictated in many Hadiths.

The only thing that will stop Islam is knowledge and truth. The truth that Mohammed had slaves (look it up if you do not believe me), that he had sex-slaves, that he murdered anyone who spoke against Islam, how his marriage to Aisha was no more as sinless (and as lustful as) as his marriage to his daughter-in-law.

Mohammed was a pedophile. Mohammed was a murder. Mohammed was a slave-owner.

For me, reading the Sunni hadiths were the last straw for my weakening faith.No one in the right mind can excuse the stoning, killing and pillaging of the innocence the hadiths talk about. Read Sahih Muslim, and Sahih Bukhari if you disagree. From beginning to end! No excuses just read it and apply it to your life now. If your neighbor called Mohammed a pig, and liar, should s/he be killed for it? If your spouse committed adultery should s/he be stoned to death? If your child turn Christian should you kill him/her?

Don't understand why you need to attack anyone who disagrees with you if your religion is the truth! Why does secularism and apostates scare "true" religions?

If you said yes to any of them without hesitation, you are a true, die-hard follower of Islam. If you hesitated in answering any of these questions, please do not think this hesitation is from the Shaaytan! You are hesitating because no decent human being would kill others just because they disagree with your faith, or they cheated on you. This hesitation is your key for the truth, your key to understanding your indoctrination can be reversed, that you can become a decent individual, that you can stop this radicalization of the youth and young people in Islam, that you can stop injustice. Because you staying as a "moderate"* Muslim is just a shield for the radicals out there.

Oh! And if you said no to all, bravo you are a decent, normal human being!

Now back to me. I am a Somali Canadian ex-Muslim woman. Nice title isn't it. I was born by two Muslim Somali Parents, who gave me an Arab first and last name as many Somalis have abandoned their roots and heritage for Islam (The cultural annihilation in Africa by Islam will be another blog post topic). I went to Islamic school Saturday and Sunday since I was 6 years old, learning how to read the Quran in Arabic, and learning about Islamic history as well. I have always questioned the world around me as a child (ex. why does it rain, why is the grass green and sometimes brown etc etc) and this avid curiosity had gotten me in trouble, as I was not ashamed to ask questions to my Imam about executions of non-murderers and polygyny in Islam. It took me until age 17 to understand Islam cannot be made to be the lie I wanted it to be (spiritual, peaceful and not compulsive) and when I started to think about leaving it. The most difficult part of leaving the faith is the idea of hell. I was terrified when I thought of it, that wrath a fake God might have on me when I die. I don't know about Christianity but Islam LOVES to detail what they will do with humans in hell. That in hell the drinks are boiling, and hot enough to burn your organs, that the food was prickly enough to tear your insides. That the place was a fiery hole where you have personal tormentors that will cut you into pieces then you will be regenerated so that the tormentor can repeat his mutilation. Islam plays on fear. In this world, fear of your society and family. And in the here-after fear that you will be tormented in excruciating lengths in the pit of fire. Fear is Islam's fuel.

Video about Hell:

The only way to stop the radicalism of Islam, is to accept truth and knowledge. To stop hiding behind lies, and to question why Islam is so scared of atheists, skeptics and free-thinkers, why is critical thinking a sin in Islam.

I leave you with this quote:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Satan comes to one of you and says, 'Who created so-and-so? 'till he says, 'Who has created your Lord?' So, when he inspires such a question, one should seek refuge with Allah and give up such thoughts."

Peace. :)

Explanation to Non-Muslims:

*Moderate Muslim - someone who believes in all of Islamic tenants and laws, but does not act on the horrendous or violent ones. Similar to the common Christian or Jew. Moderate Muslims follow a secular apporach to Islam, ex. they still believe homosexuality  is wrong and a sin and that the hadiths asking for the killing of them is true and correct, but they don't believe in killing homosexuals in the 21st century.

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